2024 深圳光影藝術季 作品公開征集 Notice on the Extension of the Open Call for Glow Shenzhen 2024 截止時間 2024.10.20 自2024深圳光影藝術季作品公開征集活動啟動以來,受到了國內外獨立藝術家、美術藝術類院校師生,相關藝術、設計、照明、時尚、科技等機構、團體、企事業單位的廣泛關注與支持。近期,組委會辦公室仍陸續收到關于作品征集的相關咨詢,為進一步擴大活動影響力,激發更多藝術工作者、高校青年藝術家和相關產業企事業單位的創作熱情。經組委會辦公室研究,決定采取以下措施: Since the launch of the open call for Glow Shenzhen 2024,it has received extensive attention and support from independent artists both domestically and internationally,professors and students from fine arts and design schools,as well as related art,design,lighting,fashion,technology institutions,groups,enterprises,and organizations.Recently,the organizing committee office has continued to receive inquiries related to the work submissions.In order to further expand the influence of the event and stimulate more creative enthusiasm from artists,young artists from universities,and art and design related industries,the organizing committee office has decided to take the following measures: 01 增設獎項 Additional Awards 在原基礎上特別增設一等獎1名,二等獎2名,三等獎3名及優秀獎若干名,以表彰和鼓勵杰出的藝術創作。同時將結合企業贊助投資情況,給予落地資金獎勵支持。 Based on the original awards,an additional first prize(1 winner),second prizes(2 winners),third prizes(3 winners),and several excellence awards will be established to recognize and encourage outstanding artistic creations.Moreover,subject to corporate sponsorship and investment,financial support for project implementation will be provided. 02 延長征集周期 Extension of the Submission Deadline 為給參與者提供更充裕的創作時間,作品征集截止日期將延長至2024年10月20日(周日)。 To provide participants with more time for creation,the submission deadline will be extended to Sunday,October 20,2024. 感謝社會各界對深圳光影藝術季作品公開征集活動的關注與支持。組委會辦公室將繼續秉持公開、公平、公正的原則,嚴格按照評選規則進行應征作品的評審工作。 We appreciate the attention and support from diverse sectors of society for the open call for the Glow Shenzhen 2024.The organizing committee office will continue to uphold the principles of openness,fairness,and impartiality,and will conduct the evaluation of submitted works strictly in accordance with the selection criteria. 征集信息詳見《2024深圳光影藝術季作品公開征集》 See the link below for more details about open call for Glow Shenzhen 2024. 深圳光影藝術季組委會辦公室 2024年9月21日 Organizing Committee of Glow Shenzhen Sep 21,2024 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yMBTaj1Q4YRAIAVO5Be55w